Paste Magazine: David Cross Comes to Grips with Trump and Fatherhood in Oh Come On

Paste Magazine: David Cross Comes to Grips with Trump and Fatherhood in Oh Come On

Evolution is difficult to parse, especially within comedy. How do you talk about a comedian you’ve long respected and pay tribute to their noticeable improvement without implying that their previous work was lacking? In the case of David Cross, it may not matter. His career has existed over such a span of decades that it doesn’t seem disrespectful to point out that what he’s making now feels like the output of a completely different performer. This isn’t just to say that he, obviously, has gotten better since starting his career at age 17. This is to say that his stand-up has been progressing over the last few years at a completely different rate.

Read Brock Wilbur's full article and interview at