My New CD. Now Available for Pre-Order (September 19, 2016)

My New CD. Now Available for Pre-Order (September 19, 2016)

Hey all, David here again.

Just wanted to quickly let you know that I have a cd coming out from the very end of the Making America Great Again! tour. It’s called …america…great… and was recorded on July 24 and 25 in Toronto of Canada. It varies from the Netflix special a bit as it was recorded over three months later so there’s new bits, and new stuff within some of the crossover bits from the special. Not exactly sure how much new content but I’d say roughly 30% different? Give or take?

If you head over to the store you’ll see we have some physical cds (some autographed by my hands!), digital downloads, and some other rather silly shit as well. We’ve created some Patriojizm™ Bundles, all of which include either of two very special hats just in time for Halloween… and BEYOND!!!!! A fantastic opportunity for those of you wanting to spend your Halloween bonus in an appropriate manner. Wait, you get a Halloween bonus? That’s crazy. Who gets a Halloween bonus? I never did. This is bullshit.

Anyway, if you’re interested head over to the store and check it out.

Love (in the Time of Diarrhea),